Frequently asked questions

How does Clarence work?
Clarence works in two ways: He contains a high-capacity adsorbent material that will remove any phosphate or ammonia he comes in contact with. He also carries with him a component that converts harmful ammonia to non-toxic ammonium.
[Ammonia exists in water as either the ammonium ion (NH4+) or the non-ionized ammonia (NH 3). Non-ionized ammonia is toxic to fish, while the ammonium ion is non-toxic. To learn more about ammonia vs. ammonium and how it affects your aquarium, please visit this site.]
How do I know if I need Clarence?
Ammonia and Phosphate are silent killers and can reach unsafe levels in any aquarium setting. Not only does Clarence help control these toxic poisons but he also just looks cool in your tank. So of course, you need him!
Can I overdose my tank with Clarence fish?
No. The active beads in Clarence are safe and pose no threat to your fish.
Does Clarence effect the water pH?
Does Clarence work along with other water treatments?
Yes, Clarence will play fine with other water treatments.
Does Clarence work in Salt Water tanks?
Yes. He’s happy hanging out with the salty kids too.
How do I know when to replace Clarence?
In a well-maintained aquarium Clarence will keep working for 60 days until he’s ready to be replaced.
The instructions say: ”do not overstock or overfeed” your tank. What does this mean?
Too many fish in your aquarium and over feeding them increases the likelihood of an unhealthy environment.
For more guidance you can visit this site
Do the “beads” in Clarence dissolve?
Is Clarence recyclable?
Yes. However, check with your local authorities. The beads inside may need to be removed and disposed of in the trash before sending Clarence to the recycle bin.
Is Clarence safe for plants?
Yes. He loves plants!
Do I need to start with a clean tank?
In order for Clarence to keep your tank cleaner for longer we do recommend starting with a clean tank. Note: Any time you stir up the gravel that can lead to temporary cloudiness as Clarence works to clear it.

K2 Concepts, Inc
114 North Prince Street
Lancaster, Pennsylvania
USA 17603
152 Park Industrial Blvd
Ringgold, Georgia
USA 30736